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Friday, June 3, 2016

Tricks for How to Make a WiFi Hotspot on your Windows 7/8 Laptop

Tricks To How Make a WiFi Hotspot on your Windows 7/8 Laptop 2014

How to Create a WiFi Hotspot on your Windows 7/8 Computer or Laptop 2014

Sharing your Windows internet connection via software has traditionally been a tricky business.
There are programs that can help you do it, but they're often awkward to set up, and prone to complicated security and reliability issues, so most people don't even try.
But that could all be about to change, thanks to a new Windows 7 and Windows 8 feature called Virtual Wi-Fi.

In this article, I’ll discuss how to make a wifi hotspot using your Windows 7/8 Laptop or Windows PC using Virtual WiFi and native internet connection sharing (ICS) feature.

Instruction to make a WiFI Hotspot
  • Open CMD
  1. Click Start menu then type CMD, right-click the Cmd.exe link and select "Run as Administrator".
    Open CMD on Windows 7 -Tricks to How Make a WiFi Hotspot on your Windows 7/8 Laptop
  • Check Compatibility
  1. If you want to create WiFi Hotspot firstly you have to check whether the hosted network mode is supported by your machine or not. Enter this command to check availability..
      netsh wlan show drivers

WiFi Hotspot firstly you have to check whether the hosted network mode is supported by your machine or not
If you find Hosted network supported : Yes then only you can create WiFi Hotspot 
  • Creating WiFi Hotspot
  1. Now type the following command to create WiFi hotspot:
     netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=WiFiName key=8PasswordKey

 Replace "WiFiName" with the name you'd like to use for your custom network, and "8PasswordKey" with a password that's a little harder to guess.

Creating WiFi Hotspot
Creating Wifi Hotspot & Start WiFi Hotspot
  • Start WiFi Hotspot
  1. Start Wi-Fi hotspot by this cmd:
     netsh wlan start hostednetwork
  • Sharing Internet Network Connection
  1. Now click Control Panel -- Network and Internet -- Network and Sharing Center or Click the WiFi status
    Sharing Internet Network Connection -Wifi Hotspot Laptop
  2. Click on Internet Connection you want to share (Broadband Connection) -- Properties -- Sharing Tab-
    Sharing Internet Network Connection -Wifi Hotspot Laptop
  3. Check Allow other network users to connect through this computer's internet connection.
    Sharing Internet Network Connection -Wifi Hotspot Laptop
  4. And in drop down list select your virtual adapter's (WiFi Hotspot's) connection.
Successfully Done you WiFi Hotspot. :)

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  1. Thanks a lot its amazing its worked on my Laptop.. :d

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Item Reviewed: Tricks for How to Make a WiFi Hotspot on your Windows 7/8 Laptop Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Mark John Dee